Helping support the bodies fight for metabolic health

Cancer doesn’t have to be a

loved one’s

death sentence

My close friend, Mark, was diagnosed with cancer in 2020.

And together with his partner Morrin, they embarked on a challenging journey that not only empowered Mark to beat cancer (he’s in his fifth year of remission) but also come out stronger and fitter than friends 20+ years younger. Now, I’m sharing their journey - and the changes they made - so you and your loved one have a better chance too.

Meet Mark

Mark and I met on a training programme over 20 years ago, and we hit it off immediately. Despite me being from the UK and Mark from the US, we stayed in close contact. And I’m proud to say he’s one of the few people I’d call a close, close friend.

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So, when Mark shared with me he had cancer, I was unsurprisingly taken aback. And I immediately knew I wanted to help him.

I know that for many people, cancer can feel like a ticking time bomb that both the sufferer and the loved ones feel. Understandably, they fear dying and either losing someone they love or leaving someone they love behind.

So, sure, I was shocked by Mark’s diagnosis. But his partner, Morrin, experienced these feelings on a different level. Here’s her story…

Morrin's story

Mark never told me he was battling symptoms. He stayed quiet, like many do. As much as I wish he’d shared with me sooner, I understand cancer symptoms are difficult to confront.

It was October 2020 when I noticed splashes of blood in the toilet.

“Is that paint?”, I thought, “Or Vitamin B?”. I stood there bemused for a little while - only to realise it was neither of those things.

It was blood.

I asked him nonchalantly,

“Mark, why is there blood in the toilet?”

He kept his eyesight away from mine,

“Oh, I’ve been peeing blood for a while…”

,as though it was completely normal.

“How long is a while, Mark?”

“I don’t know, a few weeks?”

“A few weeks?! Mark? That’s not normal. That’s not OK. Have you spoken with a doctor?”

He agreed that it wasn’t normal. But shook his head about the doctor.

We rushed to our local hospital and got him checked the same day. And it didn’t take long for them to confirm our fears - that “Mark has cancer.”

Because we lived in a remote part of the US, we were advised to visit a hospital with better resources and get further checks.

So we did.

As we sat in the consultation room together, a member of staff came through, sat down beside us and explained what they found.

bladder cancer treatment

"Mark has two types of bladder cancer. One is urothelial, and the other is a small cell carcinoma.”

We both looked at each other.

"We also found something else…”, they said, “Mark, you also have two lesions on your brain."

My stomach sank.

And, even though they said it as caringly as they could, what they shared next will never leave me.

If you do nothing, you will be dead in two years.

(Now, for context, urothelial cancer is somewhat "common". But the small cell carcinoma was considered more aggressive, and that's why they ended up finding the lesions on his brain. Almost like precautionary scans, I guess.)

Fast forward to today, I still thank my lucky stars because Mark didn't die. He's still with me today - and now approaching his fifth year of remission.

In fact, I'd say he's better than he's been in a very, very long time - even before his diagnosis.

And I'm confident our decisions and lifestyle changes played a significant role in getting him to where he is today. Because parts of our journey together were dark, and I know it's not common for people to go through what he did and come out like he has.

A trick of the mind… or a hidden superpower?

Before, I, Charles, share more about Mark and Morrin’s cancer journey together, there’s something else I’d like to share with you.

In 2008, there was a study completed at Duke University1. 82 participants were recruited and willing to receive two small electric shocks in the name of science to identify the impact of differently priced painkillers. One shock came before taking the painkiller, and then the other came after.

Half of the participants were told the painkiller cost $2.50, and then the other was told it cost $0.10. So, it was the same painkiller, just different pricing.

And the results were interesting. 61% of those who took the cheaper pill reported less pain. But of those who took the expensive pill, 85% reported less pain.

$0.10 painkiller

$2.50 painkiller

Percentage of participants reporting less pain



Percentage of participants reporting less pain

$0.10 painkiller


$2.50 painkiller


But here’s the kicker. They all received placebos. No active ingredients. No real painkiller. Yet, both groups reported less pain. How?

Their mind.

Now, I’m not trying to suggest that Mark underwent placebo treatments - or that someone you love is. Far from it. Because Mark’s conventional cancer treatment was very real and very taxing. And if you know someone going through it now, then I’m sure theirs is too.

But what I am trying to say is that the mind is far more powerful than we give it credit for. To the point, it’s reducing our perception of pain and electric shocks.

Thanks to Mark’s years of brain training (which I’ll tell you about shortly), he was already a step ahead and using it to aid his healing.

But he’ll be the first to tell you his diet and lifestyle were not.

Like many cancer sufferers, he knew he wasn’t taking the best care of himself. And that something had to change.

But at the time of diagnosis, Mark and Morrin didn’t know what.

So, together, Mark, Morrin and I would embark on a journey that put Mark back in the driver's seat of his health and healing.

Our body talks to us in lots of ways. Some louder than others. But it always talks to us. Think about this, for example…

After eating a lot of

or junk food

how do you feel? And then how about after you exercise? Or get a great night’s sleep?...

Are they the same feelings? Or is your body telling you something?

If we choose to listen to our body, we can better understand what it needs

Living for each other

Soon after the diagnosis, Mark and Morrin made the decision to truly live for one another.

I think, above all, this was a mindset shift that showed Mark other people deeply cared about him, that he could rely on them to help and that he wouldn't have to fight this alone.

Morrin was prepared to do whatever it took to support Mark and get him through. And I can whole-heartedly tell you she did a lot, especially because they lived in such a remote area of the US.

Sometimes, that was
cooking for him,
feeding him, or
helping him shower.

Other times, it was chopping and carrying wood to the fire or even laying next to him in bed to help keep him warm.

As you probably understand - and maybe even expect - as conventional treatments progressed, he got weaker, meaning Morrin would do more.

The power of the mind

On doctor’s reports, under “Patient’s state of mind”, Mark and Morrin both noticed they all had “Calm” written in them. To me, it seems interesting that they would collect this information. And from what Mark has shared with me, “Calm” doesn’t seem all that common.

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So why was he so calm?

The answer to that question is also what brought him and me together.

Because, before Mark was diagnosed, he already had 40+ years of training in what’s known as “State Management”. He had also been an avid meditator and had been running a successful business teaching others to become hypnotherapists, too.

So he knows the abilities and nuances of the mind, inside and out, and has a real ability to teach others the same thing.

And in this world of ‘brain training’, so to speak, is where we (Charles and Mark) met.

A springboard to a better self

So Mark had - and still has - great power of the mind and an incredible ability to teach others the same skill.

But Mark won’t deny (in fact, he might occasionally now gloat…) that his diet and lifestyle look very different today than they did 10 years ago.

And he and Morrin also won’t deny that they think they played an important role in getting him to bounce back higher from all the treatments and health complications he faced - to where he is today.

Mark understood why he needed to make changes and eventually understood why he felt those changes helped him so much.

But had it not been for Morrin, Mark wouldn’t have been able to implement those diet and lifestyle changes and bring him to where he is today.

Before, during, after and now

It was around the 10-month mark that overwhelming conventional treatment side effects started to wear off, so the new diet and lifestyle changes started to take effect.

So, it was around here that Mark started to feel better.

And when you think about it, it makes sense.

What we put into our body... how we treat it... and how we relate to ourselves will naturally affect how our body and mind behave.

And to find the all-important upward energy trajectory - so you don’t just have enough energy to run but enough energy to heal - you need the right diet, lifestyle and mindset.

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And Mark’s transformation speaks for itself.

From being unable to stay awake for more than 9 hours a day, walk around his garden without losing his balance, and struggle to piece two or three coherent sentences together (thanks to months of gruelling chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and autoimmune hepatitis in his liver)...

…to then being stronger, fitter and more cognitively capable than lots of his friends 20+ years younger.

It’s genuinely astonishing. And I’m sure you’d agree.

As you can see, Mark’s weight and strength came back. So did his hair (it’s thicker than before!), and you can also see how much healthier he looks now.

Morrin will also account for his mood and sense of purpose improving ten-fold.

So, Mark is more than just a cancer survivor. He’s a testament to what can happen when an individual is in control of their health and healing - and they have an amazing support network around them.

Mark knows these changes can help others.

Morrin saw them firsthand. And, now, I'd like to share them with you.

Diet and lifestyle changes

Mark had the mental side taken care of. The others, not so much.

And this is where I came in to help him and Morrin.

You see, over the last 27+ years, I’ve been helping people around the world - from high-achievers to the sick - take control of their health, using completely natural approaches.

I’ve dug deep to find information ‘certain’ organisations don’t want you to know (i.e., the missing pieces these organisations seemingly try to keep apart). And alongside thousands upon thousands of hours, I’ve spent well over $250,000 on training and education to get these individuals there.

Here’s what I found…

The nature of cause and effect

First, let’s clear something up. Cancer is not an invasive microorganism. You don’t catch it. It doesn’t attack you from the outside. It hasn’t “entered” your body per se. Nor is it spontaneous.

Instead, it’s something you create within your body.

And even understanding this helps you take control of your health and healing.

So what I found (and more people are beginning to, as well) is that metabolic health plays a huge role in your overall health. Some would argue the most important.

Your life is made up of millions of chemical reactions that happen inside your body. They control your thoughts, feelings, words, movement…

…and your health.

In layman’s terms, metabolic health is the body’s ability to turn “food energy” into “body energy” - the energy that fuels these millions of reactions.

And if your metabolic health is poor, cells become underpowered. In other words, they can’t take everything they need from “food energy”, which leaves you at higher risk of diseases, deficiencies and health issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver, strokes and even cancers2,3,4.

So, an underpowered cell is a dysfunctional cell. And a dysfunctional cell produces symptoms (depending on the cell itself).

With the trillions of cells in your body, when they don’t work, you will notice - and your body will tell you loud and clear.

Keep reading.

A cell’s powerhouse:


The powerhouse of these cells is known as the mitochondria and is well documented (they teach this in schools).

But what scientists are now beginning to discover is that there are links between the mitochondria, in particular dysfunctional mitochondria, and chronic diseases.

When a cell can’t do its job and absorb what it needs, it initiates a process called the “Cell Danger Response”. And its goal is simple: to protect the cell and us from harm5.

So, as a result, inflammation and oxidative stress present themselves.

Too much oxidative stress is not good for the body because it only leads to further cell damage, playing a role in many conditions like heart disease and cancer6.

And understanding this, Mark, Morrin and I worked together to change Mark’s diet and lifestyle - to favour his metabolic health and capacity.

Now, I’m going to share it all with you.

67+ years of experience

Tens of thousands of hours and $250,000+ of training into this…

As I mentioned, over the last 27 years, I’ve spent literally thousands upon thousands of hours absorbing information, finding resources that certain individuals and organisations don’t want others to know.

I’ve also spent well over $250,000 deepening the understanding and finding the most effective ways to integrate it with brain training.

So, if you’re looking after someone who’s currently got cancer, you can help them take control of their health and healing, just like Mark did.

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In fact, the information I’m sharing will not only help them take control of your health and healing, but also align their mind and spirit. That way, they’ll have a deep-founded desire to see the changes through and notice the impact without the usual obstacles and effort.

And what’s more, they’re all completely natural, simple and safe changes.

In fact, to help your loved one digest the information and action it seamlessly, Mark and I have collaborated, combining all our knowledge and experience, and pieced it together into two separate 12-week plans that you can follow alongside one another.

And if you choose to follow the information, which you can quite easily do alongside conventional cancer treatments, not only will you improve your metabolic health, but we’re sure you’ll also feel…

Happier within yourself

Less stress and more relaxed

A newfound gratitude for life

You’ll learn how to quickly and easily change the way you feel in moments of stress, helping you reshape the self-story you live by and create a more conducive environment for health and healing.

How to help your loved one take back control of their health

Using our combined 67+ years of experience, Mark and I have put this information together. And we’re here to support your loved one through their journey and help guide them to a position of control over their metabolic health - and ultimately their overall health, healing and wholeness.


Plan 1, Which I’ll be there to support you through, focuses on diet and lifestyle and includes information on:



So you can provide your body with essential nutrients, help strengthen your immune system, and create an internal environment that aids healing



So you can address specific deficiencies and help support your body's natural ability to heal



So you can improve oxygen delivery to your cells, reduce stress levels, and boost your body's ability to recover



So you can help maintain optimal bodily functions, flush out toxins, and keep your cells healthy and well-functioning



So you can help increase blood flow and improve immune response



So you can enhance your physical strength, reduce fatigue, and improve your overall quality of life while supporting your body's fight against cancer

And much, much more


Plan 2, which Mark will support them through, focuses on mindset and will help them experience…


Control of your mental state and feeling at ease in the face of uncertainty so you can feel less stress


Cool, calm confidence as you integrate treatment so you don’t make it harder for your body


Being in control of your emotional power


A deeper sense of integrity and confidence as you relate others’ questions and conversations about your cancer


Access to your parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) bias over the sympathetic (fear-based, flight or flight) response so you have an emotional and, hence, metabolic advantage

Usually, in the corporate space, our professional time can cost anywhere between

$1,000 – $2,000 per day.

But, right now, you can access all this information and get as much support as you need for a one-off payment of


(If you break that down, that’s $175 per week per plan).

So, that’s technically, $350 a week for them to take control of their health. For good.

Think, how would you feel knowing you’ve helped them get their health and healing under control? Especially in a time when they need it most.

I know you want to help them. You’re here reading this. So, act now.

All you have to do is book a free call after clicking the button below. And then either Mark or myself will take your loved one through the next steps.

It's here:

I think Mark’s story has one clear takeaway. A cancer journey doesn't have to be what the doctor predicts.

Your mind is capable of more. Your body is capable of more. And with a loving support network in place, your loved one can fight this battle with them in the driver’s seat.

So, lift them. Empower them. And help them retake control of their health.

Speak soon,

Charles Moore

Charles Moore


Co-Founder of The Cancer Conversation


Founder of Generative NLP


Founder of The 4th R


Fully qualified in NLP, Hypnosis and MythoSelf since 2000


Since helped countless people from around the world


With health, relaxation, performance and well-being

“I would very much recommend Charles Moore to anyone interested in a better life. I have had tens of thousands of students - few I trust implicitly, Charles is one.”

Dr Richard Bandler, Co-Creator of NLP

“Charles is continuously improving his skills and will be a major player in the field of NLP”

Dr Paul McKenna, Hypnotist

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The information provided in this cancer education course is intended for educational purposes only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This course is designed to educate and inform students about cancer-related topics based on the latest research and knowledge in the field.

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